The Dreaming E-books – 50% Off

The Dreaming SeriesCovers

E-book 50% Discounts

A small Chissy gift to all in this season is a 50% discount vouchers that expire on the 11th January 2018, this for the 4 books of the Dreaming Series from Smashwords, which offers e-books in all e-formats.  Following are the voucher codes to download the e-books of this fictional series on Aboriginal Lore.

Loose yourself in the tales of the Dreamtime. Travel with the Featherfoot and touch the world of the Rainbow Serpents. The tale is a celebration of family… of love… of life and of culture. I hope you enjoy the journey. Just follow the hyperlinks.

Shadow Dreaming:  50% Discount Price – $1.45 The code is: GE24E
Sky Song: 50% Discount Price – $1.95 The code is: VW93U
Spirit of the Rocks: 50% Discount Price – $1.95 The code is: UE43N
Caverns of the Dreamtime: 50% Discount Price – $1.95 The code is: MN78P

Travel well


The Ancient Spirits of Australia

ForestHave you ever been making your way through the bush and suddenly had the sense that you are being watched? There is something out there… something unknown… the break of a twig underfoot… someone else’s foot? Yet there is no one there. Do all your instincts scream that you are not alone? Well in Aus’ you usually aren’t.

No… it’s not always the drop-bears, nor the other forest animals. What it is likely to be watching you as you walk through the bush is the little forest spirits known as the Jongorrie. Well known by the tribal people who lived in our bush and forests for tens of thousands of years, the Jongorrie is a rapacious little bugger of indiscriminate appetites. Known to steal food most commonly, he is also not above a few other less desirable habits.

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Revised and Revisited – An Authors Journey

Corella Dam CloncurryWe all have a story to be told, a book lurking within our mind and many of us promise ourselves one day that we will write that story. Few of us do, even fewer of us publish the tale and many of us give up on the dream when faced with the inherent effort and problems and for a myriad of other reasons.

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The Lore of the Featherfoot : Lands Edge – The Beginning

Free download is available for five days only from 20th Oct (US) introducing:

Lands Edge, the first book of the New Spirit Children Series.

A novel about a young mans journey into the Australian Lore of the Featherfoot, or Kadaitcha Men. Men of Legend and History.

Explore the world of ancient Australian Legend and Lore in the stories of The Spirit Children. Australian downloads can be made HERE

Follow the journey of the Shaman as they peel back the mysteries of time in an ancient land. It is a world unseen by many, one that lives hidden within our own. Discover the secrets beneath an ancient land and those surviving in a modern world.

From the Author:

“I value your opinion and would love to hear if you have enjoyed the tales. Please consider leaving feedback at the Amazon or Goodreads. I hope you enjoy the journey.”

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Don’t have a Kindle?

Download your free e-reader where you see this sign on Amazon. You will find it on the download site.

Find out more about the Author

Ancient Limestone Caves – Chillagoe FNQ

Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 7.18.41 amMillions of years ago in Queensland an ocean covered the vast regions of the Outback plains. The Great Barrier Reef was inland by about a 500 klm and now these ancient reefs and silt beds lay buried beneath a hardened volcanic cap of a later epoch.

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Oceans Long Forgotten – Tales of Ancient Worlds

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Ancient Australia – Inland Seas

We crossed and ocean today, it was an inland sea once, very like the Mediterranean, but now this one is beneath the silted rock and beds of ancient sands, it is the Great Artesian Basin. We were travelling up through inland Queensland, commonly known as a region of the Outback. A region bordered by the Carnarvon Ranges (Katjarra Ranges) to the west, a plateau section of the Great Dividing Range with the Pacific Ocean to the east. This area is now a vast plain… a flat land.

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Aussie Tales of the Featherfoot – Lands Edge

Screen Shot 2014-05-29 at 4.38.02 pmThe ancient Lore of the Kadaitcha, or Featherfoot is a Lore lost in time. I first began writing fictional tales about this ancient Australian Aboriginal Lore some years ago now, mostly for the young adults seeking something of their own in Australia. Yet still, after four novels and the framework the new series,  I find not only is historical reality a rich resource for a fiction entwined in the facts, but that there is so much more yet to be told of this ancient world.

That these tales went on to become a series dealing with the growth of the Kadaitcha man within his culture and within the mainstream Australian culture, was as much a surprise to me as it is to my readers.

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Tools and Practices of The Australian Featherfoot Lore

Screen Shot 2013-12-02 at 7.12.19 amThe Featherfoot, or Kadaitcha Man of Australian Aboriginal Lore used many tools and weapons in the practice of their Lore. These men and women were named the Featherfoot by anthropologists because of the use of their specialized shoes. These shoes were intricately and ritually made primarily of feathers and it is said that these shoes allowed the Kadaitcha Man to move across the ground without leaving a trail. These Men of high degree and specialized knowledge were highly regarded and respected throughout tribal Australia. However the sectorial religions feared their influence during the colonization of Australia in the colonial century and denigrated their place in society in an effort to minimize their power and control over the people of the tribes across Aus.

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Book Promotion – The Dreaming Series

Screen Shot 2014-03-01 at 7.41.34 pmAs an Author I have been invited to join in the Smashwords
‘Read an E-book Week Promotion’
E-books are gaining in popularity and it is a pleasure to be invited to become a part of this event.

I publish through both Amazon and Smashwords but I find the Smashwords program beneficial as it offers e-books in a wide variety of platforms, giving the reader many options.

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Tales of the Kadaitcha and Featherfoot of Australian Lore

Rainbow SerpentPeeling back the tenets of an ancient lore, whose remnant still largely remain hidden behind a veil of secrecy and respect, is not the easiest thing on the earth to do. I have had an interest in the area of Aboriginal Lore since I was a child who stumbled across an ancient carving in a rock-face, which inspired the fertile field of the imagination.

I grew up around tales of bunyips, and serpents to be wary off such as the Rainbow Serpents who roam the native bush and quiet places as well as others who we were in bible stories of the Garden of Eden. This along with tales of little mischievous sprites of the Dreamtime and others found in childhood fairy tales lends a child’s mind to try and resolve the mysteries of the world around them. This is an Australian childhood for thousands of young Aussies as well as kids across the planet in the world today. Continue reading